School Assemblies

The Tooele City Fire department takes great pride in their involvement throughout the Tooele City area. Firefighters are an available health and safety resource. Each year firefighters conduct many school assemblies for the children in the area. Over 500 hours are spent providing the necessary safety education to our children. We strive to educate the children on the proper steps necessary to stay fire safe. Exit Drills In the Home (EDITH) to crawl under smoke are just a few tips left will the children each year.

For more information on school assemblies or community involvement in general please contact Ron Baum at 435-830-7601 or [email protected]

To request more information about Fire Prevention or Station Tour, click “Fire Prevention Form Request.

Risk Watch: Unintentional Injuries

Do you know what is the number one health risk for children under the age of 14? Kidnapping? Drugs? Disease?

According to the National SAFE KIDS CAMPAIGN, the number one health risk facing school age kids today is from an unintentional injury.

Risk watch is a comprehensive injury prevention program designed for children ages pre-school through eighth grade. Risk watch is designed to give children information on how to prevent injuries and how to apply that knowledge in making positive choices in their lives.

This program has identified eight risk factors facing our children today. These include:

  • Motor vehicle safety
  • Fire and burn prevention
  • Choking, suffocation and strangulation prevention
  • Poisoning prevention
  • Falls prevention
  • Firearms injury prevention
  • Bike and pedestrian safety
  • Water safety

The National Fire Protection Association with collaboration from the private and public sectors developed Risk Watch. This program has been successfully field tested throughout the United States and Canada.

Risk Watch is an interactive tool, which encourages students to become actively involved in the learning process. It utilizes critical thinking skills to analyze situations, understanding the relationship between their actions and possible consequences and how to apply their new knowledge to everyday situations.

Look for Risk Watch to come to your school soon!